International Journal of Philosophy

Special Issue

Thinking Art beyond Aesthetics

  • Submission Deadline: 30 June 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Stefano Esengrini
About This Special Issue
The scope of this Special Issue is to analyze the contribution Martin Heidegger made since 1935 to the understanding of the enigma of art. First of all, thanks to the overcoming of Western metaphysics, Heidegger’s phenomenology of art cannot be reduced to a mere aesthetic doctrine. Far from constituting an escape from reality, art thus reveals itself as the manifestation in which everything comes to show itself in its truth. Therefore, art is now capable of configuring the dimension within which our stay on Earth takes place. Open to the encounter with the divine, man finally finds in the vastness of the sky the possibility of his commitment to all that is. That is why every art – be it poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, dance or music – seems to let appear that sacred space-and-time of which beauty is the brightest trace. From this perspective, particular attention will be paid to those writings that will deepen the relationship Heidegger had with the great masters of the Western tradition. Likewise, those essays will be welcomed that will specify the essential features of Heidegger’s philosophy of art, also in the light of the reflections developed by the German thinker within the eight volumes that make up his fundamental Black Notebooks.


  1. Martin Heidegger
  2. Phenomenology
  3. Philosophy of Art
  4. Beyond Metaphysics and Aesthetics
  5. The Question of Truth
  6. Between Thought and Art
Lead Guest Editor
  • Stefano Esengrini

    Faculty of Philosophy, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy